Sunday, 15 May 2011

Oh wait... we're not meant to?!

Experimental silliness as always from the School of Journalism and we've been given a strange new exam format for our one lonely exam this year. It requires no revision more than a good read of the pre-release as it's focused on our knowledge, research and critique of two news stories in the papers on the day of the exam.

I think I like the idea however I can see myself cursing it tomorrow in the 6ish hour sprint to the finish. Yes we don't have any revision but we still need to cram in a lot of prep and research into one day.

However after this hour and a half of scribbling myself and my writing knob on my middle finger will be free to enjoy the Summer. It's mid-May and I'll be finished! Cue assorted dancing gifs...

Yeah... I do GIFs now.

Less than 24 hours until second year is over. Good lord.

No referendum for me.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Fuck you, Lincoln City Council, fuck you.

Because you seemed to lose my change of address application I now can't vote today. I'm one of the only people I know who actually cares about my vote and now I'm not fucking allowed to use it.

Clearly fucking bureaucracy matters more than democracy.

EDIT: One afternoon, two polling stations, countless phonecalls to the council and a visit to my old flat. AND I FINALLY GOT TO VOTE. :D


Tuesday, 3 May 2011

I seem to spend a lot of my time worrying about money. And as my current job gets me only 5 hours of work per week I'm constantly job hunting. Finally after months of looking I've just got a job working in the stockroom at Next. It's only temporary but it's perfect for the summer.

When I first arrived I immediately thought I had no chance. On the phone I was told to wear comfy clothes as there would be a practical side to the interview. In my mind with was jeans, a plain tee and trainers and I made sure my hair was neat. However everyone else had arrived in normal interview gear, shirts and smart trousers.

But hey, clearly a cheery disposition and the ability to put cubey things on clothes hangers gets me a job.

So happy that I'm supping a celebratory milkshake.